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He's Reversed The Damage On His Body From 20 Years In Law Enforcement

Name: Will MacKay

Hometown: Manassas, Virginia

Age: 43

Health Conditions:
Chron's Disease, Degenerative Discs, Left Quad Muscle Damage, Broken Femur, Scar Tissue Build Up in Shoulders, Cracked Right Wrist, Broken Right Hand, Cracked Right Wrist, Cracked Ribs

Started DDPY:
July 2014

Timeframe: 1 year

Starting Weight: 270 lbs

Weight Lost:
11 lbs

Able to reverse damage done from 20 years of law enforcement

I was in pretty bad shape when I found DDPY in July 2014. I was broken and felt there was no hope of repair. I had lost control of my situation and I made excuses for everything wrong in my life. I was convinced my weight gain was final and nothing could change it. I blamed my Crohn's disease, more specifically my medications. I found blame in my past injuries. Broken bones and scar tissue don't just go away so why even try. This was my frame of mind and it was very unhealthy.

I had forgotten some valuable lessons I learned throughout my life. You see at age fourteen I nearly lost my leg to an accident at work. I had to learn to walk again. Had I put forth the same mentality, I would have never played lacrosse in a state championship or had my career in law enforcement. In short, I would have never been who I am. I would have never met my wonderful wife and my son would have never been born.

Yet in 2014, I was no longer that guy. Then I saw the Arthur Boorman video. I went back and forth with myself about buying the program. I made mental excuses and would break them down. Finally, I just bought the program. I got the email from DDPY and watched the "Living Life At 90%" video. This was the spark I needed to get back to the real me. Slowly I began to find myself again and I connected with community of people in similar situations.

My wife and I were excited when the DVDs and mats showed up at the house. I remember looking at the program guide and seeing the schedules. I remember saying to my wife, "I am not sure I am ever going to be able to workout five days a week." I also remember looking at the Diamond Cutter workout and believing it to be impossible.

Well over three years later, we workout six days a week and teach DDPY twice a week. My wife and I have had the privilege to workout with DDP on a few occasions. I thank him every time, this program has awakened the "old" me and helped my life in so many ways. Thanks DDP!

Going through the DDPY Level 1 certification process was amazing. I gained a better understanding of the positions and how they target areas of the body. DDPY has helped me reverse some of the damage done to my body after twenty years in law enforcement. Helping others has always been a passion and a privilege. Teaching DDPY gives me another way to serve my community. DDPY is life changing and now I get the privilege to bring it to the Northern Virginia area.


Will is a Level 1 DDPY Certified Instructor who teaches DDPY classes at Pride Performance, serving the Prince William County area of Northern Virginia. Learn more at

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