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  1. Marcel Dore Name: Marcel Dore Hometown: Guelph, Ontario Starting Weight: 285 lbs Age: 57 Health Conditions: Diabetes, sciatica, sleep apnea Started DDPY:October 2013 Timeframe: 24 months Weight Lost:55 lbs Achievements:Eliminated diabetes medication, healed sciatica pain, reduced sleep apnea severity I was at my heaviest in 2010-2011 weighing in at 285 lbs.I started cycling and trying to eat better in 2012 when I found out our daughter was pregnant with our first grandchild.After losing weight wit...
  2. Jodi Libolt My name is Jodi and I am 42 years old. My story is probably like many others - full of attempts, failures, excuses and severe lack of motivation. I have been heavy all of my life which of course made elementary, junior high and high school quite unpleasant. Instead of changing my diet or even contemplating exercise, I just accepted my body for what it was. I learned to accept the words MORBIDLY OBESE that were found on almost every page in my medical records at the doctor's office. It was...
  3. Tamara Farmer My name is Tamara, I am the Owner of IHWE Texas professional wrestling,and a mother of 5 children, In 2014 shortly after having my fifth child I was 268lbs.The biggest I had ever been. I was disgusted by what I saw, and hated the way I felt. I have DESTROYED 87lbs in 17 months. My goal weight is 150lbs for my height. This is my story. In February of 2002, I was working a Cargo Flight. As I was connecting freight together to haul up to the Aircraft another driver had crashed into my line ...
  4. Gary Gardner For many years I worked as a mechanic or as a Service Manager in a repair shop and being 6' 4" and 270 lbs (think defensive lineman in football) I was big, strong and athletic most of my life. I've also have had psoriasis since 1980. That got progressively worse until I was 85% covered by 1991.Things really changed for me in October of 2006 when I took part in a drug trial for a new drug to treat psoriasis. During this time I remodeled my house myself and had just finished before ...
  5. Nick Miller Name: Nick Miller Hometown: Mahanoy City, PA Starting Weight: 279 lbs Age: 33 Health Conditions: Family history of diabetes , herniated disc, sciatica, back pain, heartburn and digestive issues Started DDPY:August 2016 Done DDPY For: 1 year Weight Lost:109 lbs Achievements:Reduced heartburn medication dependency, relieved back pain and sciatica, lost weight So I'm 33 years old and I have been fat as far back as I remember, and I was ok with it for the most part. Sure there have bee...
  6. I was having a hard time after I had my twins... I gained a lot of weight during my first pregnancy in 2010. It took a while, but I lost the weight. Then in 2012, I was diagnosed with osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) affecting my right ankle. That required months of immobilization and subsequent surgery and physical therapy. During that time I gained weight and then weight and then lost some yet again. Later that year I became pregnant with twins and dealt with severe, disabling sciatica, which required more physical therapy. After the twins...