Pack 1 DVDs
For a limited time, your DVD order also comes with 3 months FREE on the DDP YOGA Now app so you can take advantage of progress tracking, cooking demos, live workouts, and weekly motivational videos!
Digital Diamond Dozen Poster
Digital Program Guide
Program Guide Includes:
Introduction to the workouts13 Week workout grid
Phase 1, 2 & 3 Nutrition Guides
Food Lists (what to eat, what to avoid)Meal Plans
Food Journal
Workout Journal
Progress Journal
Diamond Dozen -Various Segments totaling 45 Minutes
Includes the fundamental positions at the heart of every workout. You'll learn about Dynamic Resistance and how to jack up your heart rate to reach your fat burning potential while toning and sculpting your body with lean, chiseled muscles.
Breathing – 6 Minutes
Learning how to breathe is one of the most important principles of DDP Yoga. Oxygen is the fuel for your muscles. In any workout, controlling your breath makes your workout easier and helps to break down stored fat and convert it to high octane fuel. No, I’m not kidding here. Breathing correctly is not only important for losing fat and fueling muscle energy, it is the key to life itself!
Don't forget these!
Wake Up – 11 Minutes
Before you roll out of bed, shake off the rust and get your day started with Wake Up!
Beginner Beginner - Various Segments totaling 45 Minutes
There's a beginner workout, and then there's Beginner Beginner. For those of you who have not worked out for a very long time and need some modifications to get through the basics, DDP takes you step-by-step so almost anyone can do this!
Red Hot Core – 13 Minutes
If you've got a little extra hanging over your waistband this is the DVD for you. Sexy, slim waistlines and ripped abs require a red hot core workout! Take less than 13 minutes to build core strength and create that flat stomach of your dreams!
Energy – 26 Minutes
Takes the Diamond Dozen positions and incorporates them into an energizing 23-minute workout designed to wake up your whole body.
Fat Burner – 33 Minutes
This time-saving, 30-minute workout focuses on strengthening techniques for those body parts that tend to break down first: knees, hips, shoulders, and back. This no impact workout helps to build up your weakest link that keeps you in top form.
Stand Up – 34 Minutes
Get off your butt with this 30-minute, highly condensed workout that has you standing at all times and focusing on balance; the foundation of fitness. Perfect for those with bad knees. Stand Up gives you a complete workout on your feet, with no impact.
All DVDS are Region 0 NTSC DVDs