His Back Pain Was So Bad, He Could Hardly Brush His Teeth.
You Won't Believe What John Can Do Today!
If you've been suffering from back pain, you must watch John's amazing story!
There are hundreds of millions of people who suffer from back pain -- many of whom have learned to cope with it, and work around it day-to-day. For some, it can get so severe that it impacts the smallest details of daily life.
Most people who have done research on DDP Yoga know that Dallas created the program because he had discovered that traditional Yoga when combined with multiple types of rehabilitation techniques dramatically helped his back injury. He had ruptured L4 and L5 discs and was told his wrestling career was over.
His new style of workout was created almost by accident, but also by necessity. He believed so strongly in what it did for him, he wanted to share it with others. Since then we've heard from many others, unsolicited feedback, that it has had the same impact on back injuries as it did for Dallas. For this reason, there's something uniquely different than doing traditional rehabilitation exercises -- we've heard countless stories of people who've done all the rehab that was recommended and not until trying DDP Yoga did it dramatically change.
If you still suffer from back pain and haven't found a solution -- you owe it to yourself to give it a try. There's little to lose if the investment in the program reduces the number of chiropractic and spinal specialist visits you have to make, not to mention days of lost work, and pain meds. See what Chris Jericho had to say:
Dallas and the whole team at DDP Yoga believe so strongly in the program, and it's reflected in our carefully written mission statement:
It is the mission of DDP Yoga to empower others to think beyond traditional limits, to find inspiration from adversity, and to become the most trusted fitness company on the planet.
Give DDP Yoga a try today!