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Sponsored Athletes

 The athletes we are amassing share traits that embody what DDP and DDP Yoga stand for, an unwavering work ethic, extreme tenacity and a deep seeded laser focus with their immediate and long-term goals dialed in.


Arnaldo Maidana de Oliveria


Black Belt BJJ Tournaments

3 times CBJJE World Champion

2 times 2nd place at the World No Gi IBJJF

3 times Brazilian BJJ National Champion

2 times Pan Ams BJJ Champion

2 times South American BJJ Champion



Florentino “Tino” Morales

Brown Belt BJJ Tournaments

As purple belt:

2014 3rd Vegas Summer Open

2014 2nd American Nationals Gi

2014 1st American Nationals No-Gi

2014 1st Masters World

2014 SJJIF Worlds adult rooster purple belt champion.


Kennedy Maciel "Cobrinha Jr" *Blue Belt

BJJ Tournaments

Juvenile Blue belt

Long Beach Open Champion 2013

American Nationals Champion 2013

NoGi World Champion 2013

Pan Ams Champion 2014

Vegas Open Champion 2014

World Champion 2014