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Team DDP Yoga

How many fitness programs come with their own finely tuned support system? DDP Yoga does!

Aside from the brilliant blueprint of DVD’s that will transform you physically if you do them, the online support network of Team DDP Yoga members is one of the biggest factors in making your transition to a healthy lifestyle a reality.

I know from experience. It was January 2009 when I found Diamond Dallas Page and DDP Yoga at age 44. From a physical and psychological standpoint, I was out of options. That was the good news because it meant I was ready to listen to the tried and true wisdom that DDP, Terri Lange, and other success stories on Team DDP Yoga generously shared with me. I listened to them because I saw how they transformed their bodies and their lives through DDP Yoga and clean eating. I long ago became disillusioned with dieting. DDP, Terri Lange (the Godmother of DDP Yoga), Arthur, and others encouraged me to listen to my body and make the DDP Yogalifestyle my own. We’re all individual fingerprints and we all live a little differently, DDP YOGA embraces that reality. That’s what made it work for me longterm like nothing else ever has.

Today I’m down 185 pounds and 12 sizes. If I could have done this alone, I would have. I was ready to do the work, but I needed guidance and support and received it in spades from Team DDP Yoga, an amazing community of all ages and walks of life who offer support, recipes, guidance, and pats on the back unconditionally.

It feels great to do things I never thought I’d do in this lifetime: parasail, climb mountains, hop on a horse, wear size 8 jeans. It also feels great to give back and support others who are starting out, struggling, or triumphing over old habits on Team DDP Yoga. And there’s even more connection available now with the weekly internet radio show, DDPRADIO.COM . The show airs at 9 p.m. every Wednesday and is hosted by Team DDP Yoga members Sparky, Robert, and me. Sometimes there’s a special guest (you never know when DDP himself might drop by), but it’s usually an open, listener-driven forum where topics such as motivation, nutrition, goal-setting, and set-backs are discussed.

If you’re ready to really look in the mirror (literally and metaphorically) and make some changes, you’re in the right place. I stepped on the DDP Yoga train three years ago and never looked back. There have been ups and down along the way, but that’s life. The solid core of support at Team DDP Yoga have helped me ride out the storms and celebrate the gifts, and there have been many...quite possibly too many to count.

- Stacey Morris, Team DDP Yoga member since 2009