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Dr. Caitlin Kay FastTrack Coach (3 Months)

Dr. Caitlin Kay FastTrack Coach (3 Months)

$499.00 $499.00

When you choose Caitlin as your FastTrack Coach, she will guide you through your personal transformation journey for three months. You will have full access to all DDPY workouts, healthy recipes, and motivational content during this time.

"Earn your worth, you're worth it!"

Caitlin's Transformation Journey: I began my transformation journey in 2016 at 299 lbs. I was deeply depressed, succumbing to an eating addiction, and incredibly uncomfortable in the body I was in. When I got on the scale at 299 lbs, I couldn't stand to face 300 lbs and knew something had to be done. I found DDPY through a Reddit post and I saw that the workouts could be done at any ability level and offered bed, chair, chair assisted, and standing workouts. I started with the DVDs and slowly worked to drop weight. I was on and off with the program until 2018 when I was diagnosed with several autoimmune disorders which will affect me the rest of my life. My joints caused me immense pain, my brain was foggy, and I was exhausted all the time. I knew I had to make extreme changes to my life.

In 2019 I joined the Positively Unstoppable Challenge. I lost around 35 lbs and while I didn't win the challenge, I was happy with my progress and took it as a call to double down on my commitment to getting healthier. At the start of 2020 I signed up for the Positively Unstoppable Challenge and committed to posting every single day to hold myself accountable and share my journey with others. Then in March of 2020 the world shut down. I knew then I could either sit on the couch and let it all go or I could fight in a way I may never get the chance to again. I lost over 75 lbs but gained so much more. I was able to manage my autoimmune symptoms, move in ways I never could be for, and enjoy life in new and surprising ways. When I found out I was one of the 2020 Positively Unstoppable Challenge winners, it was further reinforcement of what I already knew - I was worth all the effort I had put into myself.

Winning the challenge and losing the weight is not the end though. Arguably one of the hardest parts of this journey is the maintenance. You work so hard for so long to hit your goals and then what? For me I had to almost start from scratch after recovering from surgery in 2021 and losing a lot of my strength but I know I did it before and I could do it again! I also fight every day against my eating addiction and continue to manage my "sobriety" from unhealthy eating. So what's next? I am proud that I have maintained my weight but I am looking to lose a bit more. I have built a lot of muscle lately with the new Powercuffs and can't wait to see where it goes! I get to build friendships with the members of this amazing community and grow with my partner Jason Sparks who is also a DDPY member. It's a lifelong journey and I'm committed to seeing it through!

Coaching Style: As a coach my primary role is to be there as a support for you. I aim for transparency, accountability, and respect. This means that you are making a commitment not to me but to yourself to do the work. It isn't easy and there will be bumps in the road but I will be there to help you navigate through this. In choosing to work with me you are choosing to value yourself. You will do this by sharing hardships and victories and opening yourself to push past your comfort zone. You are worth the work!

FastTrack Clients who do not have active memberships to the DDP YOGA NOW app will be granted full access to all DDPY workouts during their coaching period.


Transformation Testimonials


"My experience with the Caitlin and the Fast Track Coaching program was wonderful! It was great to have someone I could connect with directly who understood my struggle and could help me navigate the challenges that come with making a lifestyle change. She really helped me work on changing my mindset which, in turn, has led to even more success. There is no doubt that Caitlin is in my corner!"


FastTrack Policies

As a FastTrack client, remember that your coach cannot do the work for you! Prior to committing to a DDPY FastTrack Program, please take the time to review our policies and guidelines. 

In the initial two(2) weeks of your program you will have the opportunity to request a refund on your purchase if you feel you have changed your mind. After this time, you will not be eligible for a refund. All refunds will be prorated based on the time within the program. 

In the initial two(2) weeks of your program, if you feel as though you may be more successful with a different coach, you may request to be assigned to another one. After the two week period, you will be unable to change coaches. 

During your FastTrack Coaching period, please communicate directly with your coach to provide any feedback for making your experience the best it can be. If you need to reach out to our management team for any questions, concerns or coaching changes, please email 

The coach-client relationship is an important one. You should both be able to communicate clearly the expectations you both have for one another. Remember that your success is directly related to your adherence to the support and guidance given to you by your coach, so it’s always best to communicate why you are having difficulty following through with what your coach has suggested to you. It is also your FastTrack coaches job to hold you accountable to the plan you’ve both agreed upon – remember they are there to help you reach the goals you have set for yourself! If you have difficulty communicating with your coach please reach out to us at

At any time you feel as though you are not receiving the support and guidance you expected from the FastTrack Coaching program, please reach out to us at so that we can determine what we can do to meet your expectations and help you reach your goals! 

All of our FastTrack Coaches are bound to a code of conduct that outlines the boundaries of their coach-client relationship. If at any time you feel a coach is crossing personal boundaries or is communicating inappropriately, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

Customers must communicate responsibly and professionally with their FastTrack Coach. A FastTrack Coach reserves the right to request termination of coaching if they feel it is unsafe for the client, themselves, or DDPY. Clients at risk of termination will receive one written warning from DDP YOGA prior to termination. In such cases, no refunds will be given.