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Roy Vix

Name: Roy Vix

Hometown: Foley, Alabama

Age: 43

Started DDPY: July 2016 

Starting Weight: 286 lbs

Weight Lost: 83 lbs


My story begins in 2003 when I returned home to Chicago after 10 years of honorable service in the US Army Infantry. I had an extremely hard time adjusting to "normal" life. I was on a complete downward spiral and coming down fast. After about a year, I packed up and moved down near some family on the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama. I thought for sure this little southern paradise would fix all of my problems. They only got worse.

For several years I rode around completely lost, unhealthy, depressed and mad at the world. I had a great job and lived in a beautiful place, but I was alone in my own little world and fighting battles with myself daily. I put on about 100 pounds since the day I got home from the Army. The disciplined, hard-charging, iron bodied soldier was gone. I had lost him somewhere while running away from everything.

In 2011, after 6 years of grueling internal battles, I found my purpose in life when I became a born-again Christian. I had found the inner peace I had been searching for. My mental and spiritual health was looking up, however, my physical health remained the same. Since I had put on so much weight, I decided to use it to my advantage and went to the gym every day to see how much I could lift. I hit all the big numbers and impressed myself and other gym members. I even lost a few pounds. I was satisfied with going to the gym every afternoon, benching 405 pounds a few times and calling it a day.

A few more years went by and I felt called to start a ministry for men. Helping guys who were searching and fighting just like I was. Its been extremely successful and continues to be. But still, I looked at myself in the mirror each day and was devastated by what I saw. I missed the old me. I struggled with the fact that I had gotten so out of shape. I asked myself how I was supposed to effectively lead men through my ministry when I wasn't taking care of myself. 

The whole thing shifted in March 2016. My wife and I had adopted a beautiful baby girl. On March 4th, 2016 we met her for the first time when she was only 2 hours old. As the days went by, I felt myself wanting to change physically more and more.  I wanted to be healthy and active for my little baby girl and my wife (who is a seasoned triathlete).

One day while home from work with the baby, I decided to do some push-ups on the floor as gym time had decreased since she was born. I told myself if I was going to make the change, I had to start. I couldn't do but a few decent push-ups. I was disgusted with myself. Right then and there I made a solid decision. I was going to go all out. No excuses and no holding back.

I tried jotting down a few home exercise routines and did them for a few days. I wasn't feeling it. I knew there were a few good programs out there so I got on the computer. I remembered hearing about DDPY back when it all first started. I saw Dallas on a news program talking about it. I was never a hardcore wrestling fan, but I knew enough to know who the major players were, and I certainly knew who DDP was. After some research, I knew this was it. That day that I made the choice to change, I subscribed to the DDPY app. I started that day. I could barely get through my first workout. I told myself over and over that I'd just lose weight the old-fashioned way. But then the next day, I did my next workout. The next day I did the same thing....and the next....and the next. I dedicated myself to my decision. My whole fitness outlook changed. I had a COACH!!! I'm a soldier, and soldiers appreciate someone on their back telling them to get the job done.

I started watching the clean eating videos on the app along with all the other great content. I started making DRASTIC changes in my habits and daily routines. A few weeks in and I was already feeling amazing. I knew the ball was rolling. I saw that DDP was holding an "ultimate workshop" and signed up immediately. I wanted to get in there and learn more! I was only down a few pounds at the time, but I knew where this path was taking me. I got to meet Dallas and even worked out right next to him. What an honor to meet the guy leading the charge! I got to listen to more great stuff about diet and exercise. The greatest thing was that I left the workshop with was a quote from Dallas about the food we should eat. He said," this is Gods food. This what He created for us to eat!" WHAT!!!???? I almost hit the floor!!! Why didn't I think of that!! I left the workshop excited to take it to the next level. And THAT is exactly what I did.

I worked harder and harder and it got easier. The pounds were literally falling off of me. People were noticing. I felt better, my attitude was better, I felt more confident at home, work and in my ministry. I'm down 55 pounds and I'm still going strong. I even did a full-blown Duathlon last weekend !!! The guy that I used to be is back! I'm only a few pounds away from my Army weight.

I'm extremely thankful for the program. It works!! As long as you make the DECISION, DEDICATE to it and DISCIPLINE yourself, it works. I thank God for all the great things that have happened and I thank Him for giving me a great leader for the journey. Thanks, Dallas!


Update - October 2018

When I started this journey, my goal was to have the body, the confidence, the determination, the will and fitness level I had when I was in the Army. I did something crazy that I knew would test all of that and signed up for the May 2018 Panama City IRONMAN 70.3. The moment I set foot over that finish line, I was the guy I wanted to be the day I started DDPY. The IRONMAN 70.3 time limit is 8.5 hours. I finished in 7 hours and 59 minutes. I already signed up for next years Panama City 70.3, and I’m waiting to register for next years 140.6 mile Ironman. There’s always somewhere to go!!!

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