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David Theetge

 In April of 2015 I had a hospital visit where I found out I was borderline being put on medication for high blood pressure. It was at that same visit I found out I had gained 45 pounds in a year. At that moment I decided I needed to do something to change my life that way I didn't die. The very next day I stumbled upon a video of a disabled vet named Arthur Boorman. I saw the amazing results he had with DDP YOGA so I ordered them that very day. And the changes I've gone through since have been remarkable. When I started DDP YOGA I couldn't barely walk a half mile without getting winded.


Well with the help of DDP YOGA not only have I lost an absurd amount of weight I have also been able to do thing I wasn't able to do before. Some of those being able to jog for probably the first time since I was in Jr high school and being able to touch my toes again( we really take that for granted) In this year I was able to go from not being able to walk a half mile to completing my first half marathon! My goal is to hit my goal weight of 200 pounds and to show people that they can also accomplish what I have down as long as they believe in themselves and push through no matter what obstacles they face. The old me would have given up but DDP YOGA and the people in this community have made me realize that while you may struggle and fall down that you can always pick yourself up and keep going. So in closing I hope that by reading my story I can manage to inspire at least one person that they are worth and that they can do it just like I have.

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