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Jackie Wilson

At 32 years old and 330 pounds I wasn’t really living life, I was just making it though. My knees constantly hurt as well as my hips. I also wanted to become a positive role model for my kids.
My fiance’ told me that I should give DDP YOGA a try, that he had heard some really great things about it, but I never really did it.
We went to see Jake “The Snake” Roberts speak and he had Alex “KoolAid” Ansel with him who was also doing DDP YOGA and had already lost 100 pounds. Jake actually challenged the audience to do DDP YOGA and from that point, I decided that I was going to order it and give it a shot. I got the videos and started on my DDP YOGA journey.
We had a family vacation planned for March 22, 2017, and I made the choice to start DDP YOGA 6 months before our very first family vacation. I wanted to be able to walk around Disney World and do other things that we had planned without feeling like I was holding everyone back since I couldn’t keep up. I started on September 22, 2016. I was doing the videos and eating better. I cut out junk food, soda ( I was drinking 42 oz daily at work), fast food, and drank only water and fruit smoothies that I made with almond milk and fruit for breakfast. I also found this amazing Facebook page devoted to DDP YOGA and everyone on there was very helpful and pushed me to be all that I could be!
The first few workouts definitely kicked my rear end, but I was feeling better than that I had in a long time. After the first month, I was down 25 pounds and working out every other day, as DDP says I am “making it my own.” Three months after I started, we took our kids to Disney on Ice and for the first time in forever my hips didn’t have bruises on them from the seats when we left. I was able to go up and down the stairs at a good pace without stopping and without my knees being in pain.
My goal is to lose a total of 150 pounds and I would love to accomplish that by the year and a half mark. As of now, I am down 51 pounds in 4 months and feeling great! I can hardly wait to walk around Disney World with my family and ride the rides that I can actually fit in. As DDP says”If you say you can or can’t, you’re right” and I CAN!!

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