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Jason Weeks


Cheating Death and Living Life

My Big Kick out and Comeback

I have been involved with exercise and conditioning since I was 17 years old. The weight I maintained for years was between 210-215 lbs. At the age of 30, my weight began to climb out of control and I did not know why? My diet was good, I was working out a lot and I was gaining weight then my energy levels dropped. I could not get enough sleep. My immediate thought considering family history it is my heart. After, a visit with my doctor and tests, the end result was sleep apnea. The sleep apnea was slowing my metabolism.

Eight years later, I am still working hard at the gym and was selected by a local gym to do their Extreme Weight Loss Competition. I lost 30 lbs. felt great, even joined a CrossFit gym. With the competition and CrossFit I got down to 280 lbs. Everything was seemingly turning around until the unthinkable happened. My Dad was diagnosed with cancer and died in ten, yes, ten days. After the funeral, I began to eat and eat and eat more, not from being hungry but for comfort due to depression. I stopped anything and everything physically except eating. I do not know the exact number, however, I do know my weight was well over 350 lbs. At my heaviest, it was probably more like 365 lbs.

I have had to have three knee surgeries, with two being very recent I am recovering from the second one right now. The surgeon was very blunt, he said “Lose the weight or lose your knees”. During, my first surgery recovery of 2018, I found out that DDPY was holding an open house. My wife drove me to Smyrna, GA and that day Dallas gave us a FREE 30 day trial with DDPY NOW. We were introduced to great food options and even got a photo with DDP. 

I started with the app and after one week I knew DDPY was legit and not a gimmick. On July 4, 2018 I took advantage of the sale and bought one year upfront with the app and saved 20%, had to give a shameless plug for savings. I was working with a local Physical Therapy to rehab my right knee and it was a joke. I actually walked out on the therapy and rehabbed my right knee with DDPY, this is totally a shoot. DDPY was my therapy I had to put in the work but the program supplied the knowledge.

I started my comeback at 349 lbs. and started DDPY at 308 lbs. I call this my comeback because I am currently 277 lbs. I was on a one-way street to an early grave and was not living. Learning better eating habits and DDPY I have cheated an early death and I am currently living my life again. I am truly a work in progress, I have lost a total of 72 lbs. with a goal to lose 100 total before December 31, 2018. I love learning new food ideas that are included with the app and the workouts are equally as great. I make cameo workout appearances at the DDPY PC at least once a month. I live 60 miles from there and the commute is well worth the drive.

 I want to share the story that has changed my life forever. Six days before my Dad passed on he and I had a conversation in his room at Floyd Hospital. I do not know what anyone’s beliefs are, I have mine and this is my story. I SHARED THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION TO MY Dad and at 66 years young he accepted Christ as his Savior. The statement he made changed my life forever. He said, “Is that it?” I said “YES”, He said, “If I knew it was that easy I would have done this years ago”. I learned that day in life we try to over complicate things. I have learned DDPY has made a way that you can change your life and no matter what level physically you’re on you can achieve success as long as you put in the work. For me the program has taught me how to make a positive change in myself and others. I have learned on that day with my Dad, I had the message he needed and along with DDPY I have a message for everyone that is struggling to get healthy and make their own kick out and comeback story.

It is time we take the time to invest in ourselves and others. We as people have got to stop being selfish when we have a message and a guide to better health that we must share with others. I started this journey for me and now I realize it is not just about me I am staying on this journey to help others. Using the DDPY APP and Bed Flex I was able to get moving 20 hours after knee surgery. I want to openly say THANK YOU DDP, for your positivity and helping me OWN MY LIFE!


Wishing everyone much success,

Jason Weeks


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