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Jeff Melton

My story begins like so many others. I was extremely unhappy and really struggling with day to day activities. I work as a supervisor in a manufacturing plant and often found myself having trouble getting around and panting for air. I also had noticed having as lot of issues sleeping. I would wake up gasping for air and would even quit breathing in my sleep. One night I noticed that I couldn’t breathe without wheezing and I thought to myself Jeff you are only 25 and there is a very good chance you may not live to see 30 if this dangerous trend continues. I weighed myself at 440 and it was now time to take action. So that next day Jan 26 2017 I ordered the DVDS and my life has already drastically changed for the better. I feel night and day better. I have lost 70 pounds already. I still have a long way to go but I am extremely excited to go on this journey with DDP.

            I often saw the infomercials for DDP yoga and thought to myself that if these people can have results with this program why can’t I. I have been a lifelong wrestling fan and I just kept hearing all of my old heroes having all of this success with the program. I then went to the website and saw Arthur’s story and was brought to tears. It was then when I decided I am going to do this.

            I would like to get down to around 200 pounds as my main goal for this program. I would also just like to continue and just improve my overall health. I have switched to a phase three eating plan and have learned so much about food combining. My girlfriend and I have also made the switch to all organic food free of GMOs. This program has already improved my overall health. Also my breathing has improved dramatically and I am not waking up in the middle of the night and gasping for air anymore. A lot of my coworkers are also noticing a complete change in my personality and how mobile I am now. I actually love walking now and getting in some extra steps lol!!! I am seeing so many results and I cannot thank DDP enough for creating this program. So now I would just like to say that if you are reading this and are thinking about ordering this program. If you put in the work and follow the eating plan you will get dramatic results.

Thank you DDP for this godsend of a program, I also know my family and friends thank you for saving my life.


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