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James Davis

I was always an extremely hyper child. When I turned 14 yrs old, I started drinking and smoking cigarettes. When I turned 17 yrs old I started doing other drugs (weed, cocaine, xanax, huffing stuff...etc). By the time I turned 22 yrs old I was admitted to the psyche ward of our local hospital for being suicidal. They red tagged me and put me in isolation and told me it was my last chance to get myself strait. From there I was homeless in Ohio. Nobody wanted me around. So, I moved to Harrisburg Pennsylvania, into Bethesda Mission 3 month rehab program. I ended up being there for 6 months before returning home to Ohio. While I was in the Mission, something happened. I started to replace drugs with food. Someone warned me to slow down or I would swell up to 300 pounds, and I laughed it off.


They were right. I got huge. Fast forward to April 2014 and that is when I received a bad injury to my back. I got lazier and ate more and started drinking Lokos daily. Fast forward to April 2016 and I barely passed my ODOT Physical to be able to drive for the company I work for because I weighed 372 pounds! I had to promise the State of Ohio I would exercise and lose weight or they would yank my driving privileges, thus I would be jobless. SO, that is when I decided to go to the library, and checkout Yoga For Regular Guys. I was intrigued. I quit drinking alcoholic beverages, trying to quit smoking cigarettes, started eating healthier, did deep breathing to deal with anxiety attacks....etc I went on a crew which is an extremely physically demanding job, and I started noticing being able to move faster and step higher and reach farther and not be as sore at the end of the day. Fast forward to April 2017 and I am currently 78pounds lighter, no drinking alcohol, and enjoying working towards my goal of 187pounds to lose. The discoloration of my legs improves daily. I feel great. I feel better than I did in my 20's and I will be 40yrs old 9/17/17... I am excited to share this on going journey with you all... to be continued.

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