Nick Else

I decided to make the change after turning 30 years old, it wasn't anything medical that made this choice, it was something I wanted to do for me after many years of not being happy with my weight. I didn't have a specific goal in mind when it comes to weight loss, so I decided to choose an arbitrary figure of 100lbs as this is a nice number to follow and keep track of. DDP Yoga has been a huge help in me making a lifestyle switch, the keyword is lifestyle as everything has to change from your exercise to your diet to your mindset, I'm currently using the DDP Yoga routine as a low impact addition to my current work outs, I do go to the gym twice a week and swimming twice a week (swimming over a mile each time), so having something that is low impact and rewarding is awesome, not to mention I don't even have to leave the house! It's not been the easiest transition for me, my diet is still something I can definitely improve but I am down to around 1500 calories a day, whilst treating myself appropriately for a massive work out session so as to not fall off the wagon! So far I am 30lbs down and 70lbs away from my overall target, so if I keep up this current progress, in under a year I will have changed my life, which is a fair trade for one year of my life. Just give the program a try, even if you do it once a week around your other exercise, it's awesome!
My name is Nick Else, I'm from Leyland, Lancashire in England and I decided to make the change in January 2016 after turning 30 years old and hitting the dreaded 300lbs mark, which would be fine if I was a heavyweight professional wrestler but I was anything but…
Normally it’s something medical or drastic that causes this change but in my case this was something that I wanted to do for me after many years of never being truly happy with my weight. I didn't have a specific goal in mind when it came to losing weight, I mean anything is good right? so I decided to choose an arbitrary figure of 100lbs in 1 calendar year initially as this is a nice number to follow and keep track of, in truth I didn’t think this would be a realistic goal but without a goal you’ll become un-organised so what have I got to lose?
So I basically took my entire lifestyle back to basics, no diets, no crazy juices and no medical miracles… just an entire lifestyle re-evaluation. That's where the DDP Yoga system comes into it, being so heavy was a burden on my body and cardio wasn't always easy, so having a low impact workout that could supplement my new lifestyle was amazing to have, it helped with core stability, flexibility and easing of tired muscles! I basically fell in love with the system!
I started to eat a better and more varied diet and training 3 times a week with DDP Yoga and other activities like swimming and saw a general change with my all round well being. I've also had loads of help from the entire DDP Yoga team, their support and information on twitter and beyond has been invaluable to me achieving my goals!
Where am I now? Well now I work out 6 times a week and do 5km runs and walks daily, the hardest thing about it has been changing so much of my lifestyle, but, like anything, it gets easier with routine and yes I use the word ‘lifestyle’ as this is what you need, you need something that’s going to change you and not something that will just revert you back to bad habits life a fad or crash diet will, that's the biggest key to it, getting yourself into a good lifestyle with routine and a positive mental mindset.
So far I have smashed my initial 100lbs target within the calendar year of 2016 and have currently lost 142.4lbs going from 300lbs to 157.6lbs in 19 months!, so in just over a year and a half I have changed my life so much, going from a size XXXL t-shirt to a Small and losing over 24 inches on my waist to a 32 inch waist.
So again a huge thank you to Dallas and the team, I honestly couldn’t do it without your help and support. I look forward to meeting you at some point and telling you thank you in person!
Just give it a go and you won’t regret it.
- Tags: weight loss
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