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Terry Peterka

The number one thing that made me change is my then 16 year old son Logan. We were sitting in my living room talking and I was complaining and saying that I needed to make a change. I played numerous sports when I was young and it took a toll on my body and was achy all the time. I was so out of shape that I couldn't even dry off after taking a shower without getting out of breath. He told me in these exact words "Dad, I want to get married and have kids one day and I want you to be there when they graduate high school. At 338lbs it's very possible that you won't be alive to see that." It really hit me hard. Here it is 1 1/2 years later and I'm still tearing up about it. Fast forward a couple of weeks later and I'm at work. We were  closed and I'm the only one there. I was just kinda unwinding and gearing up to go home and I decided to check my Facebook before I left. That night a Facebook friend shared Arthur's inspirational video. I'd seen the video many times but only shortened versions and had no idea it was linked to ddp yoga. This time it was the full video and saw his amazing transformation. I decided I was gonna give it a shot. I purchased the dvd's before I left that night. A week or so later I was watching Arthur's video again on YouTube and that's when I saw Jared's inspirational video as well. That completely sold me on it. Another week later I received the dvd's in the mail and I haven't looked back. 

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