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Kyle Springford

Before I started my own resurrection, I was an obese, lazy slob. I had a 2:1 degree in Television Production, a beautiful girlfriend that I would take for granted, but I had no job, goals or motivation to do something with my life. I was given many chances to change my ways but I ignored all of them. I was an idiot. I was not the man I should have been.


I weighed 220lbs back in March 27th 2014. I weighed 228lbs a year prior.


April 7th, the day after Wrestlemania 30. I got dumped by the love of my life. She left me for another man, and months later got engaged. I lost my job as a cleaner a week later. This was the wake up call I needed, but didn't want. I had suicidal thoughts as I felt like I'd lost everything. Nothing felt right anymore.


At this point, I attempted DDP Yoga as I'm a life-long professional wrestling fan. I also joined a gym with a friend. I watched numerous videos including the infamous Arthur video, the road to Jake and Scott's recovery and many talk show appearances from DDP. I knew a friend who had the DDP Yoga material that I needed (bare in mind, I'm unemployed) and started the journey. I only attempted the Diamond Dozen and Fat Burner workouts but it was enough for me.


I reached my first goal on June 24th to reach 192lbs before I went to Glastonbury Festival to see Metallica. I was front row - best moment of my year, and I felt great!

I had a setback, and stopped doing DDP Yoga in September. I still kept watching the videos as motivation. This allowed me to reach my second and final goal where I reached 164lbs. Nothing beats the feeling of looking like a new person and fitting into clothes I haven't worn since 10 years ago!!

I’m no longer the lazy, OBESE slob. I went from Obese to Beast! This does not mean my journey is over. It's just the beginning. I only ever want to look forward from now on, not back.


The resurrection of Kyle was complete (sorry for stealing your gimmick, Jake!) 


I still have more dreams to fulfil. I'm gaining muscle so I can reach 180-185lbs, land a great job in Media Production and my last goal would be to visit the accountability crib and work there if I have the money to fly over to the USA.


Thank you DDP, Arthur, Scott, Jake and everybody involved in DDP Yoga. Thanks to Steve Austin and Chris Jericho podcasts that I'd listen to on my walks. Also huge thanks to my close friends who helped me along the way.


Looks like I started 2015 off with a BANG!


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