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Aaron Johnson

Weight was always a battle for me, I played hockey and football in high school and then in my early twenties, I turned to Muay Thai kickboxing, all of which helped me to keep my weight under control. I was always a champion in each sport, I received football scholarships and won two heavyweight championship title belts in Muay Thai. However I also began to find myself in the bars a lot more and making choices that would eventually lead me to leave sports behind, I was now living for the next party and in a very dark place in my life.
When I met my wife in 2009 I was at my heaviest at 340lbs depressed and living only to party . In 2011 my wife became pregnant with our daughter and we made a decision to move away. Several times over the years I had bought gym memberships and payed for personal trainers, but I had done so much damage by than that my body just couldn’t handle the impact and strain of the workouts. Giving up was becoming easy.
As our family was growing and our finances were shrinking my temper was becoming shorter, I was working so much that my body was always sore and I would spend most nights after work in front of the TV with junk food. As my body was giving out I decided in 2016 to attempt at making a change and bought the DDPY DVDs. I did probably 4 workouts and allowed myself to quit again…I was scared that if I hurt myself we would be screwed I was our only income and my wife had just become pregnant with baby 3. 
 Fast forward to April 2017 my work decided to hold a biggest loser challenge, it was time for me to make the change and this was my chance. My start weight April 24th was 308 lbs , I pulled out the DVDs and the book and made a promise to myself to win the work challenge and at the end of the month I was down over 30lbs and I won the contest.  I was so happy with the results and how my body was beginning to feel that I stuck out my first 13 weeks. My body was moving like it used to my head was clearing up and I was able to start holding my temper better. I was becoming the person I had once been physically and the husband and father that I wanted to be?. I am now 8mnths in and down over 90lbs. I didn’t leave myself any excuses I finished the intermediate and the advanced both with the phase 3 eating plan. I still get up and do at least one hour a day before work and have been able to join my wife in running. I am excited about what the next year ahead will bring I’m making new goals all the time and happy to be owning my life again.

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