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Darren Hilton

Since getting married and having children, I've tried and successfully failed to get healthy  (Prior to getting married, i was a loser, drinking to much without really a care for much).

 I hit new year 2019, at 45, I'd lost flexibility/ Core strength was zero before DDPY. I certainly wasn't in the healthiest condition or mindset I'd had enough. then i saw  Vance's upload, which took me to Arthur's video, I'd seen the Resurrection of Jake the snake before, but i ignored it the first time when i originally watched i went back and watched it again and  Bang!! the light bulb moment!

I used to drink to much and eat unhealthy I'd try to workout but gave up always bloated, and unmotivated. now I'm a new person highly motivated encouraging others using my pictures to show what can be done (@OwningIT_ on twitter) my goal weight is 12 stone (168 lbs) this is now a lifestyle I'm gluten free, dairy free eating healthy and working out every day. I've paid up for a full year as well this is the new me..I haven't finished yet!

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