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Ashley Fischer


I have always struggled with my weight. It was a combination of unhealthy eating, unhealthy habits, and unresolved emotional problems. I was one year away from turning 30, and I was tired of always blowing out my candles and wishing "to just be happy". I knew I had to make a change that would fulfill that wish.

DDP was one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid, and I have always been interested in yoga, so when I found out about the program, I knew it was perfect for me.

I started with the beginner program and followed a no gluten, dairy, or sugar diet. After I finally got the hang of the workouts, I made it my own and created my own schedule of 3-4 times a week 45-70 minutes, making sure to always challenge myself.

I love this program because DDP makes you feel unstoppable; a positive force that pushes you to do your best. It gave me the power to take control of my body and mind, and for that I am eternally grateful.

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