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Slim Gillian


Like many Americans, things that was taught about food weren't necessarily true. To make matters worse, I was trained from an early age that food is a great bargaining tool… that food should be used to quiet noisy kids, or to celebrate a job, promotion, graduation, marriage, or even that food should be used to mourn the deaths of those we love.


I used these facts and training as my crutches, excusing the fact that I had no control over my body and actions.


But at over 600lbs, I knew that a life-change was in order.


A back injury had rendered me pretty useless. I drank all day in an effort to kill the physical pain I lived with, and I ate all day to numb the emotional pain in my heart.


I didn't know where to start…… until May 2012.



By chance (or perhaps fate?) I happened to run across the story of Arthur Boorman. Seeing his transformation and inspirational story, I began to realize that if HE could do it, there's no reason that I couldn't!


Since taking the plunge into DDP YOGA in May 2012, I have lost nearly 180lbs in 9 months! But that is just the beginning….


I've also experienced a 100% healing, restoration, and rehabilitation in my back injury, I've found sobriety, gained my life back, along with loads of flexibility and confidence.


While I still have so far to go on my journey, I've come SO FAR.


I was a suicidal food addict alcoholic with seemingly nothing to live for… but through DDP YOGA, I found out so much more about myself. The most important thing? I CAN DO IT!! I can change my destiny and begin to shape a brighter future for myself.


My question to you is simple: if *I* can do this… what could YOU do?


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