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"Ever since I was about 10 years old I have always been overweight. Many times I have attempted to loss weight always putting the weight back on. Always full of excuses. When the scale had once again hit the 290 lbs mark I told myself I need to make a change because I did not want to hit 300lbs again. I wanted to be around to play with my kids and see my grand-kids someday. So, I began to look around for solutions but everything seemed like a scam, but, one day I happened to come across a video. It was Arthur's video. I was inspired. I noticed that it was DDP's program and being a huge wrestling fan I was even more intrigued to see how real this really was. I read as many reviews as I could and every single one talked about how great the program was. So I began to read about the program and fell in love with how its about eating real food. I wasn't sure what to expect with yoga but the minute I started I knew this would be a program I can stick to.



I have now been using the program for about 4 ½ months now and I have to say this program really works! I have gone from 290 lbs to 233lbs. I have gone from a waist size of 42 down to a 36. I feel so much better from eating real food. I had no idea that gluten and dairy free would make this much of a difference. When I first started, I had a lot of tightness in my back and my knees seemed sore all the time but just days into DDP YOGA that pain was gone. I feel I have my life back and I can enjoy life with my family. My wife has also been doing DDP YOGA and she has lost 30 lbs. I'm now looking forward into getting into the field of fitness and nutrition so I can help other people much like DDP and Arthur did for us. On behalf of my family we thank you DDP. You can certainly say we have felt....the....BANG!!"


Ben's 10 month update: 

"I have at 10 month mark as DDP wanted. 90lbs lost waist gone from a 42 to a 32"


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