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Nona Reavis

Hi I'm Nona, I am married to a wonderful man who is doing DDP YOGA with me to make himself better. I have 2 wonderful boys age 14 and 16. 

My story isn't very interesting, to make my story shorter. Lets just say since I was 6 years old I have been battling my weight.


I met my husband in 1999 at that time I was 160 lbs. we had our son in Jan 2000 I was lucky I didn't gain any baby weight while I was pregnant. 9 months after his birth I stated packing on the pounds and started have medical conditions. Went to tons of DR. no one could tell me what was wrong. So I just gave up and accepted that I was going to be fat. Over the last 14 years I went from 160 - 300 Lbs. my knees were grinding like I had pockets of gravel in them. I couldn't walk for long periods without them swelling and being in pain. I was always tired had no energy to do anything didn't want to do anything but sit around. In June 2013  I had went to the doctor and she told me that I have PCOS and Border Line Type 1 Diabetes. That I had to go on medication to control it. So on medication I went. Never in my life had I had to be on medications for long periods of time. I was depressed and thought this is it this is how i am going to live the rest of my life.


In Aug 2013 I went to the doctor and with the meds. had gotten down to 290lbs. Well that brighten my depression a little. Then

Fast Forward to the present

In Feb 2014 we were watching Shark Tank and saw DDP YOGA and Arthur his story inspired me to look more into DDP YOGA. I started DDP YOGA the last week of Feb 2014 at that time I was at 280lbs.  We started eating all Organic and Gluten Free. I work out with DDP YOGA everyday. I have went from 280lbs to currently 260lbs. I have went from size 28 to currently size 22. 

Im not to where I want to be YET but with DDP YOGA and Clean Eating I know I will get my life back.  I have lost 20 lbs in 4 months my goal is to be at 150 lbs. I know when I reach my Goal my body will thank me for it . I will be around for my kids. 


See the New Me Soon....




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