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Tamara Farmer

My name is Tamara, I am the Owner of IHWE Texas professional wrestling,and a mother of 5 children, In 2014 shortly after having my fifth child I was 268lbs.The biggest I had ever been. I was disgusted by what I saw, and hated the way I felt. I have DESTROYED 87lbs in 17 months. My goal weight is 150lbs for my height. This is my story.

     In February of 2002, I was working a Cargo Flight. As I was connecting freight together to haul up to the Aircraft another driver had crashed into my line causing a chain reaction of the freight shifting and the dollies hitting each other. Unfortunately, I suffered a massive blow to my right leg, crushing the calve muscle and leaving a permanent dent in the muscle. I was told the muscle would never regain strength, feeling, and I would never regain full mobility. Then  In Aug 2002 I was loading luggage into the belly of a Boeing 737 aircraft, as I closed the door the toggle switch began to malfunction causing the door to close in on me. I hung by my jaw between the door and floor of the aircraft. 3900 PSI crushing me. It was a terrifying 13 minutes that felt like an hour before a coworker and pilot found me screaming. I was rushed to the hospital. Doctor said I suffered a head injury, with a hairline fracture to the right side of my skull. I was told that I would have permanent nerve damage in my face and that I was lucky to have survived. Today there are still moments while I'm talking that people think I've had a stroke, also in some photos it looks like I've had a stroke or I always look mad. I hate it as its a constant reminder.

    Anyhow,  After 6 years of working at the DFW Airport and these two injuries I decided to follow a different path. I began to notice no amount of pain meds helped with the pain only made me feel worse, constantly sick. I stopped taking the meds only to grin and bare the pain. I had headaches that would last for months. Eight months later April of 2003, my sister passed away from a brain tumor by this point depression took over my life as the reality of all my siblings passing before the age of 29 set in. My brother died in 1993 at the age of 24, my sister was 28.  I was beginning to think is my time coming soon. I was in a dark place questioning the would have, could have, should have, and what if's. At this time I was a mother of two struggling to meet every day needs as depression took over and my weight started spiraling. I had two more children and I had let myself go using pregnancy as a excuse. It began to affect my marriage. My husband would make jokes like '' If you ever get fat I'll leave you.'' And that added to my depression, stress, and low self-esteem. Because of his jokes, I was desperate to find ways to lose the weight. I was drawn to every commercial you see on T.V.. saying take these pills, drink these expensive shakes, and eat out of these portion controlled containers, and buy these fancy pieces of equipment. we guarantee you will lose the weight and keep it off. Hundreds of dollars later I learned that what these commercials fail to mention is " once you STOP taking these pills, drinking these shakes, eating out of controlled portion containers is you GAIN ALL the weight BACK PLUS SOME. Setting me up for failure. I needed a change and didn't know where to start.



    So I filed for a Divorce in 2009. I put myself through army national guard PT with the help of my military friends and within a year I went to a local wrestling show. Boy oh Boy that didn't help seeing all these men and women in shape. I was in awe and depressed at the same time. Alight bulb went off in my head what was I thinking. How could I give up so easily that's not me and what kind of example am I setting for my children. I decided I wanted to try wrestling so I spoke to the promoter seeking help. (training if you will)  just to get back into some sort of shape.  Though I never became a wrestler I began to see small changes but it wasn't enough. I married the Promoter  in Nov 2011. In December of 2012 my mother passed from type 2 diabetes and I started having a relaps with depression but at least I had someone by my side and didn't have to face it alone.
   My last pregnancy in 2013 I gained 96lbs. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and knowing diabetes run heavily in my family I panicked. I had a emergency cesarean. Afterwards I was diagnosed with Siatica nerve damage and it was very difficult to walk let alone stand on my own. I decided enough was enough. Started looking for a solution I haven't tried.  Seven weeks into my recovery my brother n law introduced my husband and I to the DDPY Program. The first video I saw was Arthurs and I was in awe of how far he had gone. I also noticed some of the workouts are similar moves  my chiropractor was doing with me so I figured ditch the Chiropractor bill and I  was sold by that point to try DDPYOGA. I began to look at ddpyoga not as a solution but as a way of life. To improve myself all the way around, its not another boring long drawn out workout I didn't have time to do.
     My Life today, This Program truly saved my Life. In just a few weeks I noticed some tingling in the calve muscle I hadn't noticed in years and I have also noticed  the nerve damage in my face wasn't as profound as it once was, something doctors said would never happen. Also, within 6 months the sciatica nerve damage was gone. No more Numbness, burning or tingling and the threat of having Diabetes is gone. I'm in a much better place mentally, physically, and emotionally.  I have learned If you aim high you will get there maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but some day you will. If you believe it anything is possible. Just remember one step at a time. There will be moments of two steps forward and three steps back but never give up. Own your life today each and every day.  Staying POSITIVE is the key. As for me there's no going backwards, I'm aiming for the sky. I am happy to announce I have been doing DDPYOGA DAILY.  Weighing in at 181lbs so far. Also this year I entered the savage race for the first time and I'm excited that I was capable of even finishing the race.


My goals I'm hoping to reach some day is 1. Hitting my goal weight.2. Meeting the man himself Diamond Dallas Page and Jake Roberts. 3.Attending one of his workshops. 4. Becoming a level 1 DDPY instructor.

I want to show the world no matter the hardships we are dealt in life there is always hope and you can achieve anything you set out to do.
and I owe it all to my husband for the motivation and to DDP and his AWESOME team and to the host of friends i have gained in the DDP Yoga Social Network groups. Thank you for helping me realize I didn't need all of those things to get me back on track and owning my Life again.


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