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Ricky Boyles

When I first started this program I was at the heaviest I had ever been in my life; 374lbs.  Since becoming an adult, my eating habits became worse and worse to the point where I was eating portions that could feed small families.  I had back pain because of how much weight I was carrying up front and my flexibility was less than zero due to years of not being as active as I should have been.  My daughter had just celebrated her 1st birthday on August 5th, 2013 and it dawned on me that if I did not do something soon, I might not be around to see her 18th birthday. 


I was at work one day and came across a video entitled “Never, Ever Give Up – Arthurs Inspirational Transformation.”  I could not believe what I was seeing and became instantly emotional.  I never knew DDP’s connection to Arthur’s success but they both inspired me to change my life and my family’s.  My wife and I started this journey together and it is because of her strength and my daughter that I have been able to keep moving forward.  Although it has not been perfect, we stumbled along the way but we never gave up.  About 2 months ago we got back into the program consistently and am happy to say that in just the past 60 days I have lost almost 50 lbs!  This is who we are now.  I have actually inspired a few of my friends to pick up their own copy of DDP YOGA because of my results.  We have created good habits and have not allowed ourselves to quit.  I look forward to my workouts each morning and will be very excited to share my journey with everyone as I move closer and closer to my goal.  Watch what we can do and be inspired that anyone CAN do this if you decide to make it your lifestyle.


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