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Jesse Lamm

Hello fellow DDP Yoga users!  My name is Jesse Lamm.  At 31 years of age I hit my high weight mark, 385 lbs, and felt that there was no help in sight.  I have been overweight since childhood and was always the chubby kid in school.  I have always eaten for the wrong reasons.  Instead of eating for sustenance and doing things the right way, I would eat mainly due to depression, boredom and anytime with friends.  Up until recently, I would easily pack away a large pizza, wings and bread sticks by myself on an NFL Sunday.  I just knew that I would be single for the rest of my life and had zero motivation to lose weight, even with family members showing concern.  Changes come along when you least expect them.  In April of 2013 my life changed for the better by meeting my now fiancée, Melissa.  Melissa looked past my weight and focused on the person inside of me.  Not only did I quickly fall in love, I began to take important steps to better myself mentally.  Reality hit when the time to propose inched closer and closer.  


I realized for the first time that I had hope, was not living for just myself and motivation to get healthy.  Question was, how in the hell could I do this.  I was too far gone, right?  Over a year ago I saw the Aurthur Boorman video, but did not act on the motivation I felt when watching the video.  On a Monday morning my fiancée committed herself to being more active and healthy and something triggered in my head.  If she can at least attempt to live healthier, so could I!  Thoughts of past failures quickly entered into my head, but then I remembered that Aurthur video.  Being a lifelong wrestling fan in combination with seeing the Arthur video convinced me I could do this.  I have not felt this good physically and mentally since college.  As of 11/15 using the DDP Yoga program (6 months in) I am 101 lbs down and will continue to work hard toward my goal weight of 215 lbs.  I would truly like to thank DDP for being such an inspiration and, most of all, my loving fiancée in supporting me and dealing with my picky eating over the past few months.  BANG!!!


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