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Chris Watkins

In the Beginning of this journey I was 230 Pounds. I started running and going to the gym to lose weight but it was so hard on my joints at the weight I was but I really enjoyed it. I was never a big fan of weight training so I looked into other alternatives. I have always been a wrestling fan so I saw YRG Yoga on the internet. I looked at reviews and found nothing said that was negative so I decide to try it. I did it of a few weeks and quit still continued to run and wondering why I was hurting. Than YRG was Re branded to DDP Yoga so I bought those DVD's and they sat in the box for awhile. 

I hit rock bottom, lost my job, and had Achilles tendinitis in my right leg and not so long after that healed I had patella tendinitis in my left knee. I was not in a good place in my life at all. So I opened the DVD's finally and started to use them. I was amazed the after a few weeks I had no pain in either leg and I started to feel stronger. I was able to run again. I always had a dream to run the New York City Marathon. So I started training for the 2016 New York City Marathon. Incorporating DDP Yoga into my training. On 11/6/2016 I ran and completed my first ever Marathon and just a week ago I ran my fasted half marathon in Brooklyn the race I did right before it all seemed to fall apart. When people ask me after all that how I did it I always credit DDP Yoga because without this amazing program and the shift in mind set to a more positive one I would be in a totally different place in my life.

In the next chapter of this journey I would rely like to become a certified DDP Yoga instructor and help people who what to start down a heather path. I thank God for DDP and the Fact that he created the AMAZING Program. For me I will Just Keep owning my life and getting better each and every day. Please let me know if you need anything else. 

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