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Kati Harmon

January 1st 2016, I suffered a pulmonary embolism. I had multiple blood clots in my lower right lung. I was 34 years old, 350 pounds, unhealthy, depressed, tired and scared. I had given up on my health. I lay in my hospital bed that day thinking about my family. I am happily married and have two beautiful young children ages 5 and 7. After many tests the doctor came to me with no answers as to why I developed the blood clots. The only cause they could find was due to me being over weight and immobile or non-active.


I remember thinking, "Well that I can change!" I made a decision that day to change my health. I was not going to leave my children motherless because I was choosing to slowly kill myself with unhealthy living choices! After leaving the hospital I began my healthy life style journey. Day 1 in freezing Michigan temperatures and with only part of my lungs working properly, I got out and walked! I took things slow and it was hard. I remembered seeing a story on Facebook about DDP YOGA, Arthur's Story. I told my husband about it and he saw my excitement. He ordered me the program that very day. I started the program and fell in love. I changed my diet completely. I work out everyday using DDP YOGA along with working out at the gym or walking or riding bike. I focus on working out for at least 30 minuets every day.  Today I am down 120 pounds. I am 6 foot 2 inches tall and I weigh 230 pounds currently.


I started at 350 pounds. It has been 9 months. I feel like a new energized fantastically fit woman! (My husband is also down 53 pounds and my children LOVE to join me doing DDP YOGA) I have found success through being consistent and determined. I take things one day at a time and stay the course! I am still in disbelief of what I have achieved. I went from a size 24 plus to a 11/12 pant size.  DDP YOGA has been a wonderful tool and a piece of the puzzle that is making my life complete! I am not done yet! I am still loosing weight consistently and I don't really have a goal weight. I feel like my body will naturally stop where it should be, but I wouldn't mind getting to the "healthy weight" for my height on all the charts. So I guess 200 to 220 pounds would be my "goal weight".

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