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Kyle Stantz

My starting weight was 545 and my current weight is 395. My goal weight is to be 220 pounds. What really made me start this fitness journey were a few things. My dad had been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma for the second time and we were at a Dr. appointment for him one day and I felt weird so I decided to go to the doctor myself and we had found out my actual weight and that I was pre diabetic and had high blood pressure. When I heard the word diabetic, I knew it was time now more than ever to take my health seriously before it was too late. This was March 3, 2016.

Fast forward to July 24th, 2017 I have lost 150 pounds to the date. I had purchased the DDP Yoga program in January of 2015 but I never truly stuck with the program. I was battling such a deep and dark depression that I couldn't stick with it because I truly didn't care about myself enough. The DDP Yoga Facebook page has helped me out more than I can ever put into words. I knew about DDP Yoga because I have watched pro wrestling my entire life and obviously was a fan of DDP. Once I started taking everything seriously with the Yoga workouts, eating healthier, my quality of life began to get so much better. I can honestly say that DDP Yoga and the DDP Yoga community has saved my life. I used to be a morbidly obese person that never wanted to do anything and hated every aspect of life and now I am someone who is becoming a pillar

Once I started taking everything seriously with the Yoga workouts, eating healthier, my quality of life began to get so much better. I can honestly say that DDP Yoga and the DDP Yoga community has saved my life. I used to be a morbidly obese person that never wanted to do anything and hated every aspect of life. Now I am someone who is becoming a pillar in my community. I workout every single day, and I love so much about life and the zest that I have now is so much more than before. I have people coming up to me and telling me that I inspire them to get healthy and I never imagined myself being in that position.

I have had the DDP Yoga program about 2 and a half years but have stuck with the workouts and the way of life for about a year and a half. DDP Yoga has given me the tools to own my life and the confidence to go day in and day out and know who I am. Between DDP Yoga and #iamphenomenal I am a completely different person than I was a year ago. 

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