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DDPYoga for Back Pain

You’re probably one of the hundreds of millions of people who suffer from back pain every day. You learned to cope with it, work around it, and suffer through. You don’t want to over medicate, or opt for surgery but, for some, the pain impacts even the smallest details of daily life.

Many people have already used DDPY fitness to overcome pain, prevent the need for spinal surgery, or just to regain mobility. Now, our new DDPY Back Pain program will give everyone a perfect starting point to make Back Pain nothing more than a bad memory. The DDPY Back Pain program was created to help people overcome herniated discs, spinal stenosis, low back pain, sciatica, and more back related issues.

The program was developed by Physical Therapists and DDPY Instructors to focus specifically on back pain issues. If you still suffer from back pain and haven't found a solution - you owe it to yourself to give it a try. It works and we have the stories to prove it.

Stories of Back Pain and Injury Recovery

Arthur Boorman

Doctors told him he would never walk unassisted again due to injuries suffered as a paratrooper in the Gulf War.

Arthur used DDPY to help rehab his body and lose weight. After just over a year with the DDPY program, he wasn't just able to walk without the support of braces and canes, he was actually able to run.

WWE Superstar Chris Jericho

Years of wrestling caused wear and tear on his back that eventually led to a herniated disc while filming Dancing With The Stars. Doctors told him he was going to need spine surgery.

After 6 months of doing DDPY, Chris Jericho returned to the wrestling ring to headline Wrestlemania. He said after recovering with DDPY he was in the best shape he'd been in in the past 5 years.

WWE Superstar AJ Styles

AJ Styles has been wrestling professionally for decades. Right before he was about to make his WWE debut, a back injury while wrestling for New Japan Professional Wrestling threatened to end his wrestling career.

He traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to train with DDP at the DDP YOGA Performance Center and after his recovery he went on to become one of the biggest stars in the WWE.

John Kaiser

After a car accident, John ended up with severe back problems. The pain was so bad he could barely brush his teeth. It affected his entire life, so much so that he felt like his entire life was managing pain.

He was desperate for something to help and decided to give DDPY a try. Now, he's able to do things he never thought possible. 

More Back Pain Success Stories

David Williams

I've had back problems for the last 20 years.I was very discouraged knowing that I had the drive to get myself into better shape but my body wouldn't allow it.

Nick Miller

About six years ago years ago I had a bulged disc in my back that was pushing on the sciatic nerve in my left leg and even though I had surgery to remove part of the disc and went to physical therapy I didn't stick to the therapy afterwards and had issues moving around for many years.

David Brown

I hurt my back while playing football, as far as I'm aware it was nothing too serious, but it was extremely painful. At its worst, I couldn't stand up straight, and more importantly, couldn't lift or get down on the floor to play with my infant son.