A Prescription for Health
Learn a little about how DDPY has changed the lives of different types of doctors and why so many healthcare professionals recommend DDPY to their patients.
Why healthcare professionals love DDPY...
DDPY is Low-Impact
All DDPY workouts are low-impact and have no running, jumping, or lifting throughout. The workouts are extremely efficient and combine strength building, flexibility and increasing cardiovascular endurance, all while having minimal impact on the joints.
It's a Great Cardio Workout
DDPY gets your heart pumping through the use of Dynamic Resistance (the flexing and engaging of muscles) so you get a cardio workout. The Mayo Clinic lists the benefits of thirty minutes of daily exercise to include: lowered blood pressure, improvement in cholesterol levels, prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes, achieving and maintaining a healthy body mass index, preventing osteoporosis, strengthening of the immune system, maintaining mental well-being and increasing energy levels and stamina.
Accessible For All Fitness Levels
DDPY is suitable for all age groups, including individuals with obesity and reduced mobility, injuries etc. Modifications are available for all fitness levels and instructors are taught to pay close attention and encourage these modifications. Multiple joints and small, medium and large muscles are engaged in a very safe manner.
What healthcare professional are saying about DDPY...

Marcel Doré MDCM FHM
Marcel Dore, M.D.
Marcel lost weight cycling and doing DDP YOGA. After starting DDPY he lost 55 lbs in 24 months. He currently is a medical doctor in Guelph, Ontario and a level 1 DDPY Certified Instructor.
As a 52 year old with obesity, degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, and type 2 diabetes it was time to focus on improving my health. I had already started to lose some weight, was eating more healthily, but in August of 2013, I developed severe back, left hip and leg pains as well as numbness and tingling down to my toes on the left side. I saw my physician and, based on a clinical exam and MRI, I was diagnosed with multilevel degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, degeneration of the facet joints, mild central canal stenosis and mild to moderate neuroforaminal narrowing at several levels due to disc herniations. I also had a paracentral disc extrusion at L4/L5, pressing on the L5 nerve root causing the pains and numbness and tingling down my left leg.
As a doctor, I knew that physiotherapy was beneficial for this kind of back pain, so I started with some physiotherapy. After seeing the “Arthur Video” I decided to start DDPY and bought the discs right away. After starting with the DDPY DVDs, doing the exercises regularly at home, my pains started going away, the numbness and tingling resolved and my mobility improved considerably. After experiencing recurrent pains when I stopped doing DDPY, I decided that this form of exercise was excellent for me, allowing me to be virtually pain free and not requiring any medications or any further physiotherapy appointments.
Since October 2014, I have done almost 800 hours of DDPY and have been a DDPY Instructor since July 2015. I have been able to bring DDPY to several hundred individuals of all ages, ranging from 10 years to 82 years, all body shapes and sizes, as well as all fitness levels. The majority of people who come to my classes have aches and pains from old injuries, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, multiple sclerosis, neurological side effects of chemotherapy and diabetes. Many are also very fit and complement their other exercises with DDPY.
After teaching DDPY to so many people, I have seen the benefits of this form of conditioning, and I am continuing to pursue DDPY additional levels of certification, to bring it to more people. There are so many benefits to so many people.
Medical research has demonstrated benefits of cardiovascular exercise to improve cardiovascular health and reduce mortality. DDPY offers a form of exercise that is safe for everyone to do at their own level. One’s heart rate is monitored during DDPY to allow an age-based adjustment so that everyone can get a good cardiovascular workout. DDPY also promotes a healthy lifestyle through eating whole foods and healthy fats and improving conditioning through effective breathing techniques.
DDPY includes resistance training and weight-bearing aerobic exercise, that provides a stimulus for bone formation, needed in the management of osteoporosis. DDPY includes exercises such as squats and lunges with moderate weight-bearing activity, that done on a long-term basis, is effective in averting age related bone loss.
DDPY is suitable for all age groups, including individuals with obesity and reduced mobility, injuries etc. Modifications are available for all fitness levels and instructors are taught to pay close attention and encourage these modifications. Multiple joints and small, medium and large muscles are engaged in a very safe manner.
I love what DDPY has done for me and I continue to see so many benefits in the individuals who come to my classes. The reasons why DDPY works so well are several. DDPY takes individuals through ranges of motions that are natural, safe and anatomical. DDPY does not try to bend people upside down backwards or otherwise. DDPY is built on a solid foundation of medically proven and effective exercises that improve health, motor function and quality of life. The exercises are built on a foundation of traditional yoga, rehabilitative therapies and are adaptable to many people with medical conditions, who would otherwise not be able to do most forms of physical activity.
Unfortunately, sometimes, medical practitioners focus more on what one “should not do”. As a physician who now teaches DDPY, I am happy to say that by changing the approach to assessing people I can then work with individuals using DDPY to help them achieve better health by saying “Let’s see what you can do and we can work on getting you further from there.” DDPY provides me with a way to do this in a very safe and effective manner, with very little joint impact and with modifications tailored to the individual.
Congratulations on developing such a wonderful program that has helped me be the healthiest I have been in a long time, now also free of diabetes. I am 57 years young now and plan to be practicing and teaching DDPY for a very long time!
I recommend DDPY as an exercise program to so many of my patients because it is great for people of all abilities and ages to get moving and exercising - there’s no experience necessary. As I say, if you don’t move it you lose it and when you stop moving completely you die! So, move it or lose it! DDPY is great for those who don’t know where or how to start a new exercise program, or for those who are bed-ridden, disabled, have limited mobility, have old injuries, and/or haven’t exercised in years and need to get moving again. I personally use DDPY because it’s also great if you’re already fit and need to mix up your training, are looking for a new challenge, or if you’re looking to add mobility/dynamic-stability work to your current training program to aid in your recovery and pre-hab efforts.
Dr. Kristopher J Headlee
Performance Chiropractor
Revolution Chiropractic in Marietta, GA

David Williams, D.C.
David Williams, B.A,. D.C., CFMP
Dr. Williams use DDPY to help heal his back pain after being diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. He is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and chiropractor. He serves the community in Woodstock, Georgia at MasterMind Neuropathy Center.
About 6 years ago, I got under a squat rack for a workout. It had been quite a while since I did squats and was smart and took it very easy. It didn't matter.
I knew I was in trouble with how my lower back felt when I was done. From that point forward (about 2 years total) my back was destroyed. I woke every morning to a severe spasm. So much so, that my body was contorted (aka couldn't stand up straight) and I was in pain all day every day.
I am a chiropractor by trade, so of course, I was getting adjusted two times per week and also receiving spinal decompression two times per week. This treatment barely held me where I was and did not improve my condition. I received an MRI and was told that I had massive degenerative disc disease from all the years of football that I played. I was also told that I was not a surgical candidate. Which at the time disappointed me - that's how much pain I was in. I just wanted any help at all.
During the last 6 months of my two year stint, I began wearing a back brace all-day. Prior to this point, I would usually would only wear it at times, but the condition was actually getting worse. At this point I received two epidurals, approximately two months in a row. The first one actually gave me relief for 1 month! And the second worked for one day.
One day, I was working on one of my absolute favorite patients of mine, Linda Leonard. She told me about the guy she was working for and had known for years - Diamond Dallas Page. She informed me about his DDPY program and said I should give it a try. I was absolutely desperate and began the program shortly after talking with her.
I can honestly say (and I continue to tell at least 3 patients a week) that within two months of doing DDPY, my back pain was gone. Now 6 years later, it's still gone!
I have referred countless chiropractic patients to the program. It's easy because it saved me.
Currently, I am a partner in the only stand alone neurofeedback company in the southeast. We help those suffering with anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, ADD, headaches and even executives just trying to get a leg up on the competition. What better adjunct to helping those with the above conditions than to add in the DDPY workouts. I continue to refer to DDPY constantly in my chiropractic, functional medicine and neurofeedback worlds. I do it happily as I repeat, it saved my world.
I’m a children’s mental health therapist and I’ve been really stuck with a kiddo with OCD and finding ways for him to relax. I started doing some DDP YOGA moves and he LOVES THEM, Especially the diamond cutter. He laughs and says it makes him feel powerful.
Mary Kate Maske
Psychotherapist at Crossroads Counseling Center
Licensed Professional National Counselor Certified (NCC)

Dr. Thomas Walent III, O.D.
Thomas Walent III, D.O.
Dr. Walent used DDPY to help him while he was competing in a 12-week bodybuilding contest. He was able to improve his cardiovascular health and reduce back pain through the program. He is a practicing Optometrist at The Eye Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.
My name is Thomas M. Walent III, OD, and I am a practicing Optometric Physician (Doctor of Optometry) who is Residency Trained in the Treatment and Management of Ocular Disease. As a physician who serves my community on a daily basis, I am not only concerned with the health and well-being of my patients oculo-visual system, but more importantly, their health and wellness as a whole. Vision threatening ocular diseases such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma have all been found to have a strong link to the general health status of patients. Similarly, systemic diseases, particularly of the cardiovascular system (including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and elevated cholesterol) have detrimental impacts on the health of the eyes. For example, Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the United States. Patients with uncontrolled diabetes are also 40% more likely to develop cataracts and 60% more likely to develop glaucoma than those who do not have diabetes.
Unfortunately the rate of these ocular and systemic diseases are growing globally at a staggering rate. As a physician, I am constantly educating the importance of lifestyle modifications that can drastically reduce risk factors in developing disease. Of course each individual disease would have a specific plan, however the common thread that I convey most to my patients is the importance of daily exercise and proper nutrition. More often than not, I suggest to them DDP YOGA.
Moderately strenuous exercise performed for as little as thirty minutes per day can lead to measurable benefits in terms of overall mood, cardiovascular health, maintaining healthy body weight, and having the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life. The Mayo Clinic lists the benefits of thirty minutes of daily exercise to include: lowered blood pressure, improvement in cholesterol levels, prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes, achieving and maintaining a healthy body mass index, preventing osteoporosis, strengthening of the immune system, maintaining mental well-being and increasing energy levels and stamina.
In my practice, I see patients who range from ages five to ninety-five, with varying health complications and physical abilities. A large subset of them suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. There is no question that each of them would benefit from some form of daily physical activity, which I advocate due to all the reasons previous stated above. In almost all cases I recommend to my patients the DDP YOGA program!
DDP Yoga was designed to meet the needs of nearly everyone, despite their current physical fitness level, previous injuries, physical limitations or disabilities. The program can easily be modified to suit each person’s individual needs in order to maximize their results. The workouts are extremely efficient and combine strength building, flexibility and increasing cardiovascular endurance, all while having minimal impact on the joints. This applies perfectly to my varied patient base. On a personal note, I have been physically active my entire life, but I have never been as fit as I am now, due to DDP Yoga. I continue to practice each day, and my transformation has been featured on the DDP Yoga website.
As you can tell, I am a strong advocate and huge believer in the DDP Yoga program. Not a day goes by that I don’t recommend DDP Yoga to my patients. I am currently in the process of becoming a Certified Level 1 Instructor, which will enable me to further spread the word about the life changing benefits of DDPY.