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Louis Moran

 What made you make the switch?

Ultimately, my family was the major influence in my decision to own my life.  I have two daughters (3 and 1) and a wife who deserve a much healthier, happier dad and husband.  I need to make sure my kids understand what a healthy lifestyle is and that they grow up eating well, staying active, and seeing how much this helps with living a full, happy life.  I can not bear the thought of my family having to continue on without me because of choices I make in life that I complete control over.  
What role did DDP YOGA have with this switch?

DDP Yoga transformed my entire outlook on what was possible.  The time requirements for doing a DDPY session are not impactful on the day. How could I not commit 30 minutes a session to my family and my health? DDP himself is a force of nature.  So happy, positive, and inspirational while leading the sessions and seeing the success stories that come out of the community.  The DDPY Program Guide has been crucial as well.  The nutrition portion is easy to follow and the explanation of why certain food combinations work and portion sizes were so helpful in kick starting my weight loss.   

What your goal is?  Are you there yet?  

My goal is to weigh 215lbs.  I'm not there yet.  

Things that you've done to change from the "old" you?  

I'm more active with my daily lifestyle.  In addition to DDP Yoga, I have a Fitbit that I use to track my daily steps and food consumption.  I use an app called MapMyWalk to record my daily walks and jogs. I also use Zombies, Run! to entertain myself while jogging.  I love data and this helps me see exactly the journey I'm on in my new life.  I share a screenshot of my steps with my family every day as a way of being accountable to myself.  

I eat much, much healthier.  I've given up unhealthy, processed foods such as chips and sweets.  I no longer consume pop or sugary drinks.  My beverage intake is now water, decaf green tea, and sparkling ice beverages.  I am a lot more sensitive and aware now of what I need to be doing to ensure I eat well each day to ensure I have the energy I need to exercise and take care of my family.

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