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At 47, my body is in better shape than when I was a college athlete in my twenties!


I lost 17 pounds in 18 inches the first 3 months and I've been continued to do DDP YOGA for almost three years now. I started with the Fat Burner Plus DVD and still use that workout today, only the way I do it is completely different! When I first started doing the workout my legs were shaking so much I had to hold on to my bed. When I went out to film the YRG Infomercial, I could only get my heart rate to 120. I didn't fully understand the concept of engaging and using Dynamic Resistance.


I'm currently teaching DDP YOGA at Kinetix Health Club and training the University of North Carolina's Women's Tennis Team, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I'm constantly reminding everyone to grip the mat with their toes, squeeze their quads, their glutes, their abs. Everytime we move our arms I remind them to push their hands through clay, and to squeeze the imaginary ball between their hands whenever their hands are over their head. In thunderbolt, I have them squeeze the imaginary ball between their hands and their legs. And, guess what happens? We all get into cardio really fast! Last week my heart rate jumped to 171. I had to stop engaging until it came back down.


At 47, my body is in better shape than when I was a college athlete in my twenties! My strength, flexibility and muscle definition I attribute to the DDP YOGA workout, as well as the lifestyle changes in my family's eating habits. DDP YOGA has transformed my life!

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