At 84 years old, she's more flexible than most in their 20s

Name: Christine Glindemann Health Conditions/Injuries: asthma, pernicious anemia, 2 blood clots, stroke, broken back, 2 x broken wrist, Myxodem, and restless leg syndrome. |
Started DDPY: November 2017 Timeframe: 8 Months Improvements: Posture, and Flexibility |
Hello, I was an 83-year-old woman, when I began doing DDPY late November 2017. Now I am 84 years young I have always been active; walking a lot throughout my life doing my gardening but I have never been an athlete, nor have I ever been a runner. I am a mom of three children and a grandparent of 6 grandchildren. I am retired and live in Denmark and have a small house here.
The reason for starting to do DDPY was, that whenever passing a mirror, I saw that my posture was not as it had been and that I had gained something around my waist. I didn’t like the look of my waistline anymore. Although I had been doing different forms of gymnastics when I was younger, the changes had been coming so slowly, that I hadn’t really been aware of it until that November. And on top of the physical changes, I have had several incidents with falling; my balance was becoming increasingly poorer. A year and a half before, I fell and broke my back and because of this, I had come to walk at a much slower speed.
My second daughter (55 years old) a nurse told me it was time to do something seriously about all of it if I wanted any improvements. She had been doing DDPY OGA consistently almost a year at that time, and she told me, that doing DDPY was the reason why she still could handle the job of taking care of her handicapped daughter 24/7, despite the fact she had had 3 herniated discs in the years before.
So, of course, I bought the DDP YOGA NOW app and began the exercises. My goal was and is to improve my posture, balance, speed in walking and decrease my waistline.
In November 2017 I began doing DDPY Rebuild starting with the limited mobility program Bed Flex, and as I write this, I have finished with the Chair Force program. The only changes I made in my life were to make time for doing the program as my weight and BMI was all right, but I can see how I should have put in something extra for my waistline to decrease.
In February, I fell again and broke my left wrist, and once more in April, I was unlucky again, as I broke it the second time. After a little while, I continued with the program, but I had to go back to Bed Flex, but now I have come to the end of the Chair Force program once again.
In June I had some photos taken, and I could see several improvements:
I could do the roundhouse kick, which was much better than in November, also sitting on the floor I could reach my toes much easier. I was very happy with my improvements, my posture had improved a bit, but my waistline is the same. Although I still can’t walk faster than before in November, I am however able to walk long distances. I try to walk at least 6,000-10,000 steps daily now.
In the house, where I live in winter, I also try to climb the two flights of stairs from my sitting room to my bedroom several times a day without stopping, and in summer I work many hours in my big garden.
I look forward to seeing what improvements the next year will bring as I continue to do DDPY.
Update - November 2018
It has been a wonderful summer in Denmark, I have been able to work several hours in my big garden, so both the injury in my back and those in my wrist have healed very fine. Just at the end of summer, I was hit by an attack of pneumonia, but it didn’t last long, although I still am coughing a little. Now this month I have been able to walk 23 km, which makes it around 7,000 steps a day. So I’m certain my pain level has improved, and thanks to the DDPY.
Maybe this could be a little tip for anyone, who is thinking of starting doing the DDPY, I was 83 years old and after a tip from my daughter, who has been doing the DDPY for a year at that time, I began with the program Limited Mobility, which starts with movements on your bed, and which I think is a very very fine way to start.
Now I have been doing DDPY for almost a year, I have come to do the chair to standing program, and I can feel my progress every day. I just completed taking the stairs from bottom to top, 4 floors 5 times in a row, and I couldn’t have just that a year ago.
- Tags: 50+, Flexibility, limited mobility
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