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Trevor Allison

I actually started DDPY in 2015 when I first purchased the DVDs but didn't take it seriously until I got engaged in June 2017. It was that same month that I actually was able to meet Dallas at an open house at the DDP YOGA Performance Center in Smyrna. Since then, I've lost 70 lbs to date, and am in the best shape of my life. Recently my beautiful fiance (wife as of 12/1/18) bought me passes to the PC for my birthday and I can officially say I'm obsessed. I'm excited to see how far I can go on my DDPY journey!
In regards to the past 18 months...
I really began taking the program seriously when I got engaged and we decided that we were going to have a destination wedding.  There's just something about spending a week on a beach in Jamaica with your closest family and friends that struck my vanity chord and I knew it was time to take things seriously. At this time I also had a career change and began working a MUCH more manageable schedule and no longer had an excuse to miss my daily DDPY. After a few months, my daily DDPY often turned into two-a-days and I started mixing more cardio and athletics as well. I was playing basketball twice a week again, I could run three miles without stopping for the first time in my life and I became obsessed with the improvements I was seeing.
A few months back I decided to go all in and cut gluten and dairy out of my diet as well. I have never felt better in my life! At 32 years old, I am lighter than I was in high school. I can dunk a basketball again, and the reduction in back pain and inflammation has been amazing! I'm now even taking classes at the PC and find myself taking the program more serious than I've ever taken anything. I like to think of it as "getting my blackbelt in DDPY." Even after the wedding, I can't imagine a life that doesn't include DDPY as a core discipline in it. Who knows, maybe in another 18 months I can even be an instructor myself?

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