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Reen Moyers

I've had extreme weight gain from disc removal surgery in my low back, causing compression of my SI joints. I was walking with a cane. I was really desperate and at my lowest point, stress eating and dependent on pain medication to make it through the day. When I started DDPYoga at the end of November/beginning of December in 2017, I was settling into a pretty bad bout of depression. I found DDP YOGA on a Facebook ad and my girlfriend ordered it for me as an early Christmas present. After 3-4 weeks of DDPY, coupled with an intermittent fasting diet, I completely dropped the cane! I couldn't believe it... and I was equally surprised when I started seeing the weight drop off.
I told myself in the beginning that my weight loss goal would be 100lbs, honestly feeling like that was a pipe-dream. As of today, I’ve reached that goal! Once I found that I could complete the Beginner program, it gave me the motivation to change my diet and continue with DDPY. I completely all the way through Advanced and started a new passion of running.
So, really I just wanted to tell everyone that's reading this... "GO YOU!" Because just making the decision to start a lifestyle change can be the hardest part. You absolutely CAN do this and I'm rooting for you! Just keep rooting for yourself every single day. You will always be your biggest cheerleader ❤

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