He's Reversed The Damage On His Body From 20 Years In Law Enforcement
Broken bones and scar tissue don't just go away.
That way my frame of mind.
Michelle O'Neil
Because of my Fibromyalgia, I had lost about 80%
of the range of motion in my arms and shoulders
Jim Patterson
Similar to DDP, I began a physical career at an age greater than those around me.
I became a professional firefighter at age 35.
Rich Sargent
As I began fighting against PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety my world started to darken.
I stopped exercising and started eating as a coping mechanism.
I finally learned "No Pain No Gain" wasn't true
As I grew into adulthood, I added weightlifting and continued playing sports. Then the injuries came.
Jennifer Fenmore
While I was in the military they messed up both my knees and my right shoulder.
I no longer have cartilage in my knees and my shoulder comes out of socket easily.