Kelli Hall

Growing up, I was never small.
Despite being involved in high level sports year-round, I was always a little bigger than most.
She has more energy at 40 than she did at 20

I’ve been overweight my entire life,
right from young adulthood.
Lacey Chemsak

I was forced to face some very difficult and unwanted truths.
I was in free fall with no bottom and felt like life was completely out of my control.
Emily Robertson

I saw myself in a mirror when in a clothing store and
I sat right there in the fitting room and cried.
Michelle O'Neil

Because of my Fibromyalgia, I had lost about 80%
of the range of motion in my arms and shoulders
Erica Buteau

After finding the courage to step on the scale,
I saw my actual weight for the first time in several years and was immediately brought to tears. The scale read 326 pounds.
Terrified of turning 50, Terri completely changed the path she was following.

I had given myself the best 50th birthday present ever!
Six years later, at age 56, and with the help of DDP YOGA, I have beaten the odds and kept my weight off!
I knew I had to make a change for my whole family.

I Couldn't Let My Depression Impact My Family any Longer.
I was the unhappiest I have ever been in my entire life! A few months later my little boy placed his hand on my arm and looked into my eyes and said, "Smile Mommy".