Terry Peterka
I was so out of shape that I couldn't even dry off
after taking a shower without getting out of breath.
Jim Sceurman
I have been working as a land surveyor for the past 5 years,
My knees have progressively gotten worse since starting this job.
James Davis
When I turned 14 yrs old, I started drinking and smoking cigarettes.
When I turned 17 yrs old I started doing other drugs...
Jeff Melton
I was extremely unhappy and really struggling with day to day activities.
...and often found myself having trouble getting around and panting for air.
Michael Douglas
There is something liberating about taking ownership of yourself,
when all you did was refuse it for so long.
Ashli Womack
My story began ... around the 250lbs mark
I purchased the DVDs after seeing Arthur's story
Jesse Stakes
DDP Yoga has helped me lose 77lbs
and recapture my health and athleticism in my mid 30’s.